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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property


Registering an International Trademark (Madrid System)

Before filing

Registration of an international trademark provides the possibility to protect your mark in more than one hundred and twenty (120) contracting states by one single application on the basis of the Madrid System, in one language and by paying one lump fee.

The Madrid System, which is managed by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), offers a simpler, easier and more cost-effective procedure for registration and renewal in comparison to the submission of separate national applications in many states.

Before proceeding with the filing of an application for registration of an international trademark in the Republic of Cyprus, make sure that the following conditions are met:

  • the mark has been registered or an application has been filed for its registration as an international trademark. For furhter information, refer to the page registering a National Trademark
  • the applicant is:
    • a natural person, national of the Republic of Cyprus;
    • a legal person, established in the Republic of Cyprus; or
    • a person with actual and active industrial or commercial establishment in the Republic of Cyprus.

For further information regarding the conditions for granting an international trademark, visit the website of WIPO

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