Forms & Fees
Form for filing alterations to the register
Ε.Σ 10
Fill in and submit form Ε.Σ 10 to update trademark's registry regarding the following:
- whole transfer of a trademark;
- partial transfer of a trademark;
- division of an application for trademark's registration;
- division of a registered trademark;
- grant of licence of use;
- amendment of licence of use;
- annulment of licence of use;
- establishment of security interest;
- amendment or annulment of security interest;
- establishment of enforced execution;
- amendment or annulment of enforced execution;
- be subjected to insolvency agreement;
- amendment or annulment of insolvency agreement.
With the submission of the form, the following fees are paid:
- one hundred and eighteen euros (€ 118) for the first class and twenty-six euros (€ 26) for each additional class transferred on request, in the event of a transfer of the trademark;
- one hundred and eighteen euros (€ 118) in case of division of application or trademark registration;
- one hundred and eighteen euros (€ 118) for each for every filing of grant, amendment and termination of licence of use and twenty-six (€ 26) for each additional class;
- one hundred and twenty euros (€ 120) for each filing, amendment or annulment of security interest, enforced execution or insolvency procedure.
It is noted that the fees are payable in cash, by cheque, through an account maintained with the Department of Registrar Companies and Intellectual Property or through bank transfer.
For more information regarding the relevant procedures please refer to the following pages:
- Managing a trademark as a property object;
- Examination of application - Division of application;
- Dividing a registered trademark;
- Grant, amendment or annulment of licence of use;
- Security interest, enforced execution or insolvency proceedings